Leadership is not equated in numbers but in the measure of influence

Posted on February 9, 2011. Filed under: Bible Study, Commentary | Tags: , |

Although not every Christian is called by God to minister like Paul or the twelve apostles, every Christian is sent by God to represent Him before the people with whom he or she comes in contact.

Commentary related to Colossians 1:1

This past Sunday’s message from the pulpit was incredibly powerful in the context of its meaning especially when the Minister talked about the hierarchical leadership within his own family . . . even mentioning that the dog was at the lower rung of the leadership ladder.  Hmmm . . . it is clear that no one told my dog about his rightful place on said ladder as he sleeps with us in our bed and will turn his nose up at a piece of pizza if it does not have the toppings he prefers.  But I digress.

Alain’s message on Sunday regarding everyone’s desire to be a leader resonated on so many levels, and in doing so, it reminded me of a story I had once read regarding a preacher who after an evening revival service had expressed disappointment at the fact that there were so few people in the pews to hear him speak.  What he did not know until years later was that the one young man in the audience that night was Billy Graham.  Nor at the time did he realize how the message that was delivered in the near empty tent had a profound impact on the man whose ministry would eventually bring millions of people the world over to Christ.

Billy Graham

It truly does only take a spark to get a fire going, and because of this amazing and immutable truth Alain’s message that we are all leaders emphasizes the importance of Christian leadership in terms of ultimate influence versus physical head count.  Each one of us on an individual basis can, through even a fleeting connection with another human being, set into motion the incredible power of the Holy Spirit to change lives, and like the revival minister, do so without our even knowing it or for that matter how.

In my own walk I have had the privilege of speaking to more than 400 people in a big ballroom, as well as 10 people in a small conference room and, have later discovered that the ultimate reach beyond the lecture itself was often greater with the 10 than it was with the 400.


Speaking in London, UK Sept. 2010

However, if I had equated influence with audience size and saw the 10 as being too small to have any meaningful impact, I might have let an opportunity of immense potential slip through my fingers because of my distorted view of the situation.  You have to ask yourself from where does your expectation and disappointment originate?  Is it based on pride or perhaps well intended but misguided standards that are not aligned with God’s view of the every day life circumstances within which you find yourself.

If, as I believe in my heart of hearts that the bible is the indisputable, spirit inspired word of God, then Luke 12:7 tells us that there is no number that is too small or circumstance that is too insignificant . . . but even the hairs of your head have been all numbered.

Wherever you are, and whatever your means or circumstances, we are all leaders in that we all carry the glorious news of love and redemption.  Being the bearer of such an eternally powerful message I will with all alacrity share this joyful message with 1 or 1 million, confident in leaving the details of numbers to my Heavenly Father.


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